Social Enterprise

Social enterprise is the values driver of our school. If our students are to be the creators of tomorrow, we want values instilled in them that ensure a just and equitable world for all. Based around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, our social enterprise pillar will ensure students build a sense of belonging to a common humanity. They will become responsible and active global citizens who will understand the importance of service, sustainability, climate action, and universal concepts of poverty, equity, and social justice.


Social enterprise also ensures students learn about entrepreneurship and how to think and act in enterprising ways. They will understand that any economic, social, cultural or environmental undertaking needs to show a benefit for the common good of humanity and supports a sustainable and socially driven future.


Social enterprise will not be an ‘add on’ at the end of the day but a driving force of the school, embedded throughout the curriculum and programmes of learning. The UN SDGs will be front and centre of all that we do, whether that be learning inside the classroom or through the myriad of service and sustainability groups set up to drive these goals.


Social enterprise will be driven through:

·       Our Primary connected curriculum which underpins the drive for a sustainable world

·       A range of service and sustainability action groups

·       A range of Secondary curricula that focus on different aspects of Social Enterprise (Economics, Geography, Social Studies, Business Studies, etc.)

·       Our innovation and future learning programmes

·       Challenge-based learning programmes which set about resolving the interconnected challenges of the 21st century

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