Student Leadership
The Sixth Form represents for many young people, the most important two years of their school career. However, Sixth Form life is about so much more than examinations. This is also a time to broaden knowledge and experience, and to develop skills and interests that will last a lifetime. At The Academy, we offer an array of enriching opportunities outside of the classroom and we actively encourage our students to get involved with student leadership. The contribution that a student can make to the wider Academy community should be embraced as their voice truly matters. Whether they are leading the school as part of our Student Executive team, or one of the Academy prefects, Arts, Sports or Eco Captains, the positions and responsibility afforded to our Sixth Form students will truly help to enhance the legacy of the Academy for years to come.
Senior Prefects
This team is made up of Year 13 students and led by the Head Boy and Head Girl. The application process is rigorous and includes an application letter, assessed activities and panel interview for shortlisted candidates with our leadership team. Each member of the team has a designated leadership role, and these range from events and publicity, student well-being, achievement and attendance. Each member of the team is expected to deliver speeches at major school events, address their fellow students during assemblies, and play a role in the secondary Leadership Team further down the school.
There is a large prefect team made up of Year 12 and 13 students. Year 12 students are invited to apply to become a prefect during the first half of term one and begin their weekly duties during break time and lunchtime shortly after the half-term holiday. Other duties include greeting visitors, touring prospective families and supporting the senior prefects during whole school events. The duration of a prefect’s service is one calendar year.
Job Descriptions
Arts Captain
All year 12 students that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply for this post.
Eligibility Criteria
- Be a current Year 12 student at The Academy
- Maintain attendance of 95%
- Have no more than 5 behaviour points
- Have a recommendation from member of teaching staff who can vouch for the capabilities of the student in this position
- Be on target in all subjects taken at Key Stage 5. This information will be taken from data provided by subject staff at the time of application
- Take at least one Arts subject at The Academy (Art, Drama, Media, Music, Music Technology, Photography)
- Take part in extracurricular activities relating to the arts (e.g. college productions, music recitals. peripatetic lessons, filming for college events)
The Process
Word processed letter of application (maximum 1 side) together with a word processed Curriculum Vitae (maximum 1 side – highlighting any leadership experience and your representation within the Arts at The Academy to date) should be sent to the Head of Careers and Transition (Ms. Amanda Jewell) by the first week ofJune 2022. Interviews will commence in mid June 2022.
Job Description – Arts Captain
The most important aspects of this post are concerned with maintaining and improving a good spirit in the College. Hard work and dedication, as well as confidence and flexibility are needed. The following is a list of specific tasks and responsibilities, not all of which are glamorous, that an Arts Captain would be expected to carry out:
- Fortnightly meetings with SLT member in charge of Arts Captains
- Meeting with House Captains on a monthly basis
- Advertisement of events – Social media, posters, notices, newsletter
- Plan and co-ordinate the inspiring delivery of arts roundups in whole school and/or key stage assemblies
- Presence at year/house assemblies delivering information and celebrating success
- Co-ordinate with all departments of the arts within the college (Drama, Dance, Art, Music & Media)
- Update Arts Captains display board
- Help plan and run Calendar of Inter-house events with an Arts focus
- Organisation of College Productions with the Performing Arts department
- Organisation and promotion of the The Academy Art Exhibition in Term 3
- Assist in the development of the Arts within the college, raising the profile of The Academy Arts
- Interview, appoint and run the College Arts Council with itemised agenda
- Decide which students are eligible for Arts Awards and present their certificates and badges at whole school assemblies
Head of Charity & Service
All year 12 students that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply for this post.
Eligibility Criteria
- Be a current Year 12 student at The Academy
- Maintain attendance of 95%
- Have no more than 5 behaviour points
- Have a recommendation from member of teaching staff who can vouch for the capabilities of the student in this position
- Be on target in all subjects taken at Key Stage 5. This information will be taken from data provided by subject staff at the time of application
The Process
Word processed letter of application (maximum 1 side) together with a word processed Curriculum Vitae (maximum 1 side – highlighting any leadership experience and your representation within Charity & Service to date) should be sent to the Head of Careers and Transition (Ms. Amanda Jewell) by the first week of June 2022. Interviews will commence in mid June 2022.
Job Description – Head of Charity & Service
The most important aspects of this post are concerned with maintaining and improving a good spirit in the College. Hard work and dedication, as well as confidence and flexibility are needed. The following is a list of specific tasks and responsibilities, not all of which are glamorous, that the Head of Charity & Service would be expected to carry out:
- Frequent meetings with SLT member (TBC) and the Charity & Service committee
- Interview, appoint and run the Charity & Service committee with an itemised agenda
- Running regular meetings with the Charity & Service committee
- Advertisement of events – Social media, posters, notices, newsletter
- Plan and co-ordinate the inspiring delivery of charity & service roundups in whole school and/or key stage assemblies
- Presence at year/house assemblies delivering information and celebrating success
- Update charity & service display board
- Help plan and run calendar of inter-house events with a charity & service focus
- Assist in the development of charity & service within the college, raising the profile of The Academy Charity & Service committee and all they do
- Succession planning for future charity & service leaders
Head of Eco Committee
All year 12 students that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply for this post.
Eligibility Criteria
- Be a current Year 12 student at The Academy
- Maintain attendance of 95%
- Have no more than 5 behaviour points
- Have a recommendation from member of teaching staff who can vouch for the capabilities of the student in this position
- Be on target in all subjects taken at Key Stage 5. This information will be taken from data provided by subject staff at the time of application
The Process
Word processed letter of application (maximum 1 side) together with a word processed Curriculum Vitae (maximum 1 side – highlighting any leadership experience and your representation within Eco to date) should be sent to the Head of Careers and Transition (Ms. Amanda Jewell) by the first week of June 2022. Interviews will commence in mid June 2022.
Job Description – Head of Eco Committee
The most important aspects of this post are concerned with maintaining and improving a good spirit in the College. Hard work and dedication, as well as confidence and flexibility are needed. The following is a list of specific tasks and responsibilities, not all of which are glamorous, that the Head of Eco would be expected to carry out:
- Chair frequent meetings with an SLT member (TBC) and the Eco committee
- Interview, appoint and run the Eco committee with an itemised agenda
- Running regular meetings with the Eco committee
- Advertisement of events – Social media, posters, notices, newsletter
- Plan and co-ordinate the inspiring delivery of environmental roundups in whole school and/or key stage assemblies (where applicable)
- Presence at year/house assemblies delivering information and celebrating success (where applicable)
- Help plan and run calendar of inter-house events with an environmental focus
- Assist in the development of environmental initiatives within the college, raising the profile of The Academy Eco committee and all they do (Inc. responsibility for the Eco noticeboard)
- Succession planning for future eco leaders
House Captain
All year 12 students that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply for this post.
Eligibility Criteria
All students wishing to apply for this role must:
- Be a current Year 12 student at The Academy
- Maintain attendance of 95%
- Have no more than 5 behaviour points
- A recommendation by Head of Year
The Process
Word processed letter of application (maximum 1 side) together with a word processed Curriculum Vitae (maximum 1 side – highlighting any leadership experience and your representation within your House at The Academy to date) should be sent to the Head of Careers and Transition (Ms. Amanda Jewell) by the first week of June 2022. Interviews will commence in mid June 2022. If shortlisted, you will be required to deliver a speech of 2 minutes (maximum) to the interview panel detailing how you will lead your house to victory.
Job Description
The most important aspects of this post are concerned with establishing and maintaining a good spirit in the school. Hard work and dedication, as well as confidence and flexibility are needed. The following is a list of specific tasks and responsibilities, not all of which are glamorous, that the House Captain would be expected to carry out:
- To be a role model in terms of attitude, industry, manners and appearance to the junior members of the house
- To liaise with the sixth form reps with regard to their duties concerning their forms
- To liaise with other House Captains and meet regularly with them and with the school leadership group on a designated morning break
- To act as a liaison between House reps and the head of house
- To assist with punctuality checking duties weekly under the guidance of the Head of Sixth Form.
- To help supervise house activities that may include
- Inter house competitions – including organising and running one gold house event a year charity and fund raising events
- To attend/run the house assembly
- To deputise or arrange cover for an absent house rep duty
- To attend consultation evening with a year group and to assist the head of year with the evening's preparations
- To organise assemblies as required for both the house and main school
- To make arrangements for sixth formers to show visitors around the school
- To organise House reps to check form rooms at lunchtime and ensure that the sixth form common room is kept tidy
- To organise and run a house stand at National Day celebrations
- To attend school functions as required by the attached head of year
- To carry out any other duties as required
- To present an end of term report to the school in the final assembly and to take one school assembly per term
- To wear the house captain’s badge
Senior Champions
All year 12 students that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply for this post.
Eligibility Criteria
• Be a current Year 12 student at WEK
• Maintain attendance of 95%
• Have no more than 5 behaviour pointsThe Process
1. A letter of application which must consist of:
• Why should you be a senior champion?
• What ideas do you have about improving/developing Sixth Form?
• Which 2-3 committees are you interested in and why?2. A CV with all of your experience
This must be emailed to [email protected] and [email protected] by 22nd September
Interviews will be held the end of September. If shortlisted, you will be interviewed by a panel. Be prepared to talk about your ideas and why you would be an asset to the team.Job Description - Senior Champions
The most important aspects of this post are concerned with establishing and maintaining a good spirit in the school. Hard work and dedication, as well as confidence and flexibility are needed. The following is a list of specific tasks and responsibilities, not all of which are glamorous, that the senior champion would be expected to carry out:
• Attend weekly meetings with Head Boy and Head Girl
• Organise meetings and minutes to be taken and distributed
• Provide a positive role model for the school community at all times
• Promote the ethos and vision of the school
• Show initiative and be proactive
• Develop positive relationships with pupils and staff
• Support the lower school Council
• Represent the school when required, including Open evenings and parents' evenings
• Report termly on the Senior Champion’s achievements
• Attend regular meetings with the Senior Champion to support the school’s development and improvement
• Manage events under the supervision of Head of Sixth Form and relevant staff
There will be roles available as Lead Senior Champion, who will oversee the whole Senior Champion team and will work closely with the Head Boy and Head Girl. The strongest two candidates from the interview process will be allocated these roles. -
Sports Captain
All year 12 students that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply for this post.
Eligibility Criteria
- Be a current Year 12 student at The Academy
- Maintain attendance of 95%
- Have no more than 5 behaviour points
- Have a recommendation from member of teaching staff who can vouch for the capabilities of the student in this position
- Be on target in all subjects taken at Key Stage 5. This information will be taken from data provided by subject staff at the time of application
- Take part in extracurricular activities relating to the sports
The Process
Word processed letters of application (maximum 1 side) together with a word processed curriculum vitae (maximum 1 side – highlighting any leadership experience and senior teams represented) should be sent to the Head of Careers and Transition (Ms. Amanda Jewell) by the beginning of June 2022. Interviews will commence in mid June 2022.
Job Description - Sports Captain
The most important aspects of this post are concerned with maintaining and improving a good spirit of sport in the College. Hard work and dedication, as well as confidence and flexibility are needed. The following is a list of specific tasks and responsibilities, not all of which are glamorous, that a Sports Captain would be expected to carry out:
- Fortnightly meetings with PE department in the morning
- Meeting with House Captains on a monthly basis
- Advertisement of events - Team sheets, posters, notices, newsletter
- Plan and co-ordinate the inspiring delivery of sports roundups in whole school assemblies
- Compose sports roundup video for end of term assembly
- Presence at year assemblies delivering information and celebrating success
- Co-ordinate with team captains - match reports, photos
- Update Sports Captains display board
- Help plan and run Calendar of inter-house events and sports day
- Organisation of Sports Awards Evening alongside PE department
- Co-ordinate with the sports leaders regarding inter-house competitions and whole school events
- Assist in the development of school teams
- Raising the profile of The Academy Sport
- Represent sport at the College Council with itemised agenda
- Deciding which students are eligible for full, half and international colours and presenting them at whole school assemblies
- Meet with Principal once a term to discuss College Sport