Health and Medical Care
Our school has a well-equipped clinic accessible on the ground floor. It is manned with one full time licensed doctor and three full time licensed nurses. Our clinic structure and medical equipment are compliant with the requirements by the Dubai Health Authority, School Health Section Department.
Our school clinic promotes and provides school health services to all students, personnel, parents and visitors. These health services are in line with the health programs of DHA-SHD, KHDA and DBS. These programs focus on disease prevention, early case findings and referral for intervention.
Our school clinic keeps a health record of all students. Our parents are required to fill out completely a medical/health record required by the Dubai Health Authority. You can download the form here. An up-to-date vaccination record and medical information/medical certificate must be provided to the clinic by the parents, specifically for those with special medical needs like allergies (foods/medicines), health conditions that require medication supervision or restrictions to movements/activities.
Our school clinic is open during school days to give consultation to all students, to administer first aid treatments and to provide care for those unwell. Parents/guardians will be notified if their child is sick and medicine will be provided only with parent consent. No sick students will be allowed to go home by taxi unless they are escorted by a parent/guardian. The school clinic will adhere to the policy of KHDA and DHA of “staying home if unwell.”
With the COVID-19 pandemic prevention policy, the school clinic is compliant with guidelines of DHA and WHO by practicing facial covering, social distancing and sanitizing between patients. The school clinic has a separate isolation room, separate examination room and sanitizes medical equipment.
Here's how GEMS Education is ensuring the safety of your child