Vision: To provide every child the opportunity to play sport, either competitively or recreationally, at a level which is challenging and rewarding.
As a PE department, we strive to give students the skills and confidence to pursue sport and exercise in their future. We offer an extensive extra-curricular programme, giving students the opportunity to experience a broad range of sports, so that they find an activity that captures their interest.
Whilst we consider our program extremely inclusive, we also strive for excellence. Our school squad programme changes each term, in line with the DASSA and DAPSA competitive leagues. School squads are run by specialist PE teachers, with weekly training sessions after school. We have built a strong partnerships with a number of external providers, who have highly specialist coaching skills. It’s Just Football are an academy that have been embedded not just in our ECA program, but also in our PE curriculum. Every competitive football squad worked with specialist IJF coaches for a full term, leading to outstanding progress and success in external competitions.
Our provision for swimming is outstanding, with Hamilton Aquatics on poolside full time, bringing their swimming expertise to curriculum lessons in all year groups. Dejan, our Head of Swimming and former Olympic Coach, provides outstanding, high level coaching for our squad swimmers. Aspiring performance swimmers should visit the Swimming Centre of Excellence page for more information on our bespoke swimming programme.
Visit our Instagram page to see our latest highlights and success “@wek_pe”
Term 1
Swimming U8s - U11s
Boys Football U8s - U11s
Cross Country U8s – U11s
Girls Netball U8s – U11s
Swimming U12s – U16s
Basketball U16s & U16s
Football U12s – U16s
Term 2
Swimming U8s - U11s
Tag Rugby U8s
Rugby Union U9s – U11s
Girls Football League U9s - U11s
Cross Country U8s – U11s
Athletics U8s - U11s
Athletics U12s – U19s
Swimming U12s – U16s
Rugby Union U12s – U16s
Netball League U12s – U19s
Term 3
Swimming U8s - U11s
Basketball U9s – U11s
Cricket U8s – U11s
Swimming U12s – U16s
Basketball U12s – U14s
Cricket U12s – U15s