WEK Receives Outstanding Rating
GEMS Wellington Academy Al Khail has once again been awarded an "Outstanding" rating following its recent British School Overseas Inspection.
This rigorous process ensures that educational standards are comparable with independent school standards in the UK, and WEK passed with flying colours!
Here are some of the comments from the BSO Inspection report:
"GEMS Wellington Academy, Al Khail is an outstanding school and provides an outstanding quality of education for pupils from two to 19 years."
"The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding across the whole school. It contributes to pupils of all ages and abilities making rapid progress and achieving consistently high standards in all subjects. School leaders show commitment in their drive continually to raise teaching quality through well-established and rigorous quality-assurance processes. Teachers are well qualified, with strong subject knowledge and an understanding of how pupils of different ages learn."
"The quality of the curriculum is outstanding. The curriculum is broad and balanced, allowing pupils to explore their passions and interests. The different pathways give pupils the skills and qualifications needed for the next stage in their education."
"In early years, attainment is outstanding as a result of excellent teaching. There is a great emphasis on developing communication and language skills. Children become increasingly confident and proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing English. As a result of high-quality provision, most children make rapid progress and achieve a Good Level of Development."
"GCSE examination results are well above UK averages with the majority of pupils achieving grade 7 and above. Results at A level exceed both UK and international standards at A* to B. Students are making excellent progress in relation to their predicted results particularly in English language."
"Pupils across the school make outstanding progress and reach standards that are above those expected for their age in England. Not only are the pass levels considerably higher than the UK average at GCSE, but a high proportion of pupils gain the very highest grades."
"The rigorous focus on fluency, automaticity, prove, explain and apply in primary ensures that pupils develop proficiency and understand the underpinning mathematical concepts. By Year 6, most pupils can apply their knowledge of ratio and proportion to solve a variety of complex multi-step problems. By the end of the primary phase, almost all pupils achieve standards which are well above the average in the UK."
"In the primary phase, pupils continue to make strong progress. Teachers successfully build upon prior knowledge and skills in each unit of science as pupils progress through Years 1 to 6. The evidence from external and internal testing shows outstanding attainment over the last three years.|
"Secondary pupils achieve highly and make outstanding progress because teachers adapt lessons to meet their needs. They achieve highly against UK and international standards in GCSE. More than half the cohort achieved grade 7 and above in 2022 in GCSE science. Results have remained consistently strong over the past three years. Sixth-form students are exceptional when engaging and discussing their learning in science."
Other Subjects
"In primary, pupils engage in Projects 4 Change. Teachers create innovative learning opportunities based on the English national curriculum, the school pillar of social enterprise and the UN sustainable development goals (SDG). Pupils discover, take action and make a difference on each of the assigned SDGs each term. They have excellent opportunities to develop entrepreneurial skills and develop links with the local environment, charities and resources."
"Pupils make excellent progress in a range of other subjects across the curriculum. This leads to excellent GCSE results across a broad range of subjects which continue to improve year on year. On average, pupils achieve one grade higher than those predicted across their GCSE subjects."
Enhanced Curriculum
"The enhanced curriculum is values driven. The school’s core values bring a breadth of vision to the educational programme with over 150 extra-curricular activities. These are carefully reviewed and adapted so that all pupils in the school participate fully, developing their leadership, communication, creative and innovative skills."
"The unique Swimming Centre of Excellence, Elite Tennis and Golf and Football Performance Centre programmes provide bespoke sporting and academic support. These meet pupils’ training and dietary needs and have a positive impact on their performance both in and out of the sporting arena."
"Relationships between pupils and teachers are extremely positive, respectful and trusting. Pupils’ behaviour in all lessons is exemplary. This enables pupils to take risks in learning to deepen their understanding. Teachers ensure that lessons are orderly and productive and that there is no waste of learning time. This is typical of the high expectations that teachers have and those that pupils have of themselves."
"Pupils have highly positive attitudes to learning. They listen, concentrate and focus on their learning. They work well together using well-prepared resources to enhance their learning. Effective teaching encourages them to apply their knowledge and skills, to show interest in their work and to learn and think for themselves. The use of technology enhances learning."
"There is a strong community spirit. Pupils and staff are supportive, caring and respectful of each other. At the heart of everything they do are the school’s three pillars of The Science of Learning, Social Enterprise and Student Agency. These empower pupils to be the builders of a better world through empathy, hard work and resilience."